Swimming Pool waterproofing
- Swimming pools have become very common in most luxurious residential buildings & complexes, hotels, resorts etc. The building owners demand for long lasting waterproofing solutions for their swimming pools without compromising aesthetic and serviceability requirements.
Contact hydro-static pressure and aggressive cleaning mechanisms become a challenge to overcome in swimming pool waterproofing. Even minor structural movements ending up with the smallest cracks will get aggravated to big problems as the cracks will be subject to high seepage pressure.
Distortion of the tiles that happens most often in a swimming pool creates damage to the underlying waterproofing system. So a Swimming Pool requires a Waterproofing System that will overcome the above challenges and provide worry free performance to the owners and users. Our Swimming Pool waterproofing systems are one of teh most reliable solutions designed with latest technology liquid applied membrane products.

Apply polyurethane based liquid waterproofing membrane CLEVERPROOF™ PU 110 @ 1.50 to 2.0 kg/m2 in two coats on surface precoated with CLEVERPRIME (PRIMER 200 or EPOXY PRIMER or EPOXY PRIMER WB) after necessary surface preparation.
Apply polyurethane based liquid waterproofing membrane CLEVERPROOF™ 2KW PU @ 1.50 to 2.0 kg/m2 in two coats on surface precoated with CLEVERPRIME (PRIMER 200 or EPOXY PRIMER or EPOXY PRIMER WB) after necessary surface preparation.
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