Water Retaining Structures

Water retaining structures are constantly under hydrostatic pressure depending on the depth of the structure, they are also in contact with different types of chemicals, hence have higher chances of leakage. It is necessary that the waterproofing system in a water retaining structure can handle these factors. The structure should be treated with extremely hydrophobic and hydrolysis resistant waterproofing systems that would also be suitable for portability and resistivity to cleaning agents. It should also have strong adhesion to substrate that it can take hydrostatic pressure from either sides in case of submerged structures.
Apply bitumen modified polyurethane based liquid waterproofing membrane CLEVERPROOF™ 400 BT 1K @ 1.70 kg/m2 in two coats on surface precoated with CLEVERPRIME (PRIMER 200 or EPOXY PRIMER or EPOXY PRIMER WB) after necessary surface preparation.
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